When inspiration strikes

Lots of authors struggle with procrastination. I’m no exception; I can find all sorts of things to keep me from sitting down to put words on the page. So it’s imperative not only to keep a writing schedule, which helps me inch towards my goals, but to seize on those moments of inspiration when they do strike so I can capitalize on them.

henry head tilt

Whatcha doing?

This is Henry. He doesn’t believe in capitalization. Or construction. Or time management. Or discipline.

When inspiration strikes, Henry strikes back. Having a beagle is like having a toddler. He’s my daily challenge: How badly do you want to write?

Here’s our morning routine. This happens EVERY DAY.

  1. Eat breakfast (him).
  2. Try to eat breakfast (me).
  3. Sit next to her and watch her eat breakfast (him).
  4. Whine if she doesn’t share (him).
  5. Eat someone’s socks while she tries to clean up (him).
  6. Take socks away (me).
  7. Pull all the toys out of the basket. Destroy something (him).
  8. Get computer and notes while he’s taking stuff out of the basket (me).
  9. Climb up on the sofa and spread out for a nap (him).
  10. Drag him to the side of the sofa so I can sit down (me).
  11. Climb into her lap before the computer takes the prime spot (him).
  12. Insist on playtime (him).

    Henry deep gaze

    Me first! Notice the fluff on the carpet behind him. He destroyed one of his toys while I was getting my computer.

  13. Rub ears until he gets sleepy (me).
  14. Climb down and curl up into a ball for a nap (me)
  15. Try to remember what it was you wanted to write.
  16. Pound it out in the hour before he wakes up to pee.

All that said, he’s not bad company once he settles down. Maybe in time inspiration will know not to show up until the routine is nearly complete.