Together we create: Collaborating with

I’m thrilled to announce my new collaboration with DIY My regular column on self-publishing (also called independent publishing) helps readers understand best practices, meet authoritative sources of industry wisdom, and (I hope) avoid its pitfalls.

Team on a mountain silhouette

Photo by @nataliepedigo on Unsplash

Since I discovered DIY MFA about three years ago, I’ve been inundated with helpful ideas, inspiration, and encouragement to persist in my creative life. Sometimes reading the site feels like drinking from a firehose. If you’re a creative sort, spend some time there. If you have a problem with your writing (or other creative endeavor–suggestions that work in one creative art can adapt to fit another), you can probably find a tool, idea, or other solution there that’ll  help you get unstuck.

I’m so excited to join such a creative and dynamic team. I hope you enjoy the results.

Cover Photo by “My Life Through A Lens” on Unsplash