31 May 2020
Another bright day, and the water was warmer (ever so slightly) so I went swimming. I love swimming, and who knows when I’ll get the chance again? Cleaned up the house, packed up and drove home.
On the ride home, we listened to the last episodes of Wind of Change. The seventh episode is the most mind-bendy, a thoughtful reflection on the podcast author’s role in possibly creating propaganda (and for whom?) by virtue of exploring the question and on the current state of US-Russia geopolitics. This, at least, the kids could grasp.
One thing I’ve learned over the years of parenting (a hard-learned lesson, I admit) is that sometimes the teachable moment is best taught by shutting up. They’re bright kids. Let them think about something awhile, and they’ll often come back to discuss when they’re ready. Okay, one of them was sound asleep the whole ride home, but the other one was listening tight. Once in a while, Mom comes up with something interesting.
Back home on Earth, connected to the Internet and immediately encountered website issues demanding a long chat with tech support. Stayed up late. Bye, vacay.