Unlocking Secrets of Women’s Fiction with Author Emma Dhesi

The women’s fiction genre mystifies readers and writers alike. I’m excited to announce that next week, I’m presenting an online workshop with author Emma Dhesi on unlocking secrets of women’s fiction.

Secrets of women's fiction presentation, women's fiction vs chick lit, women's fiction vs. romance, women's fiction genre

Emma runs an author accelerator program through her Facebook page, Turning Readers into Writers. The program features interviews and presentations with writers and editors of just about every genre.

We’ll define the women’s fiction genre. We’ll compare women’s fiction vs. chick lit and women’s fiction vs. romance. What makes a story a good fit for the women’s fiction genre? What are the genre’s reader expectations?

Join her group and discover tips to take your author career to the next level! I’ll be presenting on August 31, 2020 at 2pm Eastern Daylight Time, 7pm British Summer Time. Hope to see you there!

If you’re looking for a few women’s fiction books to dig into, check out these posts:

Small Admissions: A lab full of successful creative experiments.

25 Books: #1, The Bookish Life of Nina Hill